Wilson Combat Heavy Duty Recoil Spring 45 Auto 1911 Officer 24 lb

Product Description
1911 Officer’s Recoil Spring - 24 lb
Color: Stainless
Fits: Colt Officers Model Lightweight Officers Model 1991A1 Compact Officers
Enhanced and Para Ordnance P-12
Length: 3.5”
The Heavy-Duty Recoil Springs are made combat tough to
repeatedly take a pounding yet show a remarkable consistent performance every
time a round is fired. Keeping a fresh recoil spring in your pistol will
dramatically reduce the pounding your slide and frame receive. Replacement
Recoil Spring for use with the Officer Model Guide Rod and Plug.
Recoil springs fit over a pistol's guide rod and control how
the pistol's slide functions. In general, heavy loads need heavy springs and
lighter loads need lighter springs. Too light a spring and the pistol opens and
closes early and hard, increasing the felt recoil and battering the frame. Too
heavy a spring and the slide is hard to open and may not cycle completely,
jamming the pistol.
Shooters who are using +P ammunition or self-defense
ammunition will likely need heavier recoil springs. Shooters who are using
target ammunition may be able to use lighter recoil springs. Installation
requires disassembly and reassembly of the pistol.
Go to the range with your pistol and a magazine that will
positively lock your slide to the rear when you slowly retract the slide with
the pistol empty.
Load one round of the desired ammunition in the proven
magazine, load the pistol and fire the single shot holding the pistol in your
strong hand, but grip the pistol fairly loose. If the pistol consistently (5 to
10 shots is adequate) locks the slide to the rear, the recoil spring is not too
heavy for your ammunition.
A recoil spring that is 1-2# below the weight where you
begin to have failures to lock open is ideal for your ammunition.
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