AR-15 Slip Over Fake Suppressor - GunTec USA

Product Description
The AR-15 Slip Over Fake Suppressor from GunTec USA has a T6 Aluminum body and slips over the barrel and threads on with a ½ x 28 Thread. This fake suppressor is laser engraved with Military Style markings. This Fake Suppressor will cover 5.0" of the barrel and will work on 9mm with ½ x 28 Thread.
The Slip over fake suppressor can function as a barrel shroud to prevent unwanted direct contact with the barrel-collision with surrounding objects, or the user touching a hot barrel. Fits flush with existing barrel, does NOT add or extend the barrel.
T6 Aluminum body
Slips over barrel and threads on
Functions as barrel shroud
OD: 1.25"
5.56 NATO / .223 Cal
½ x 28 Thread
Length: 5.5"
Laser engraved with military style markings
Will work on 9mm with ½ x 28 Thread
Slip over barrel and thread on
NOTICE: This item is NOT a suppressor and is for appearance ONLY. The fake suppressor does NOT effect the sound of the rifle being discharged in any way.
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